India to Thailand road trip: Key tips and information for this expedition across borders

Thailand is a very popular place for Indian travelers. It’s famous for beautiful temples, nice people, yummy street food, and fun times at the beach. Basically, it’s one of the best places to visit in Asia.

Most people like to fly when they visit Thailand, especially for shorter trips. But did you know you can also drive there? You can take a road trip using the India Myanmar Thailand Trilateral Highway. It goes from Moreh in Manipur to Mae Sot in Thailand, passing through Myanmar’s Mandalay and Naypyidaw.

India to Thailand road trip

If you want to go on this road trip, you can start in Moreh, Manipur, which is right on the border between India and Myanmar. Then, you’ll drive through Myanmar’s beautiful places like Mandalay and Myawaddy before you get to Thailand.

India to Thailand road trip: Duration and expenses

The road trip usually takes about 12 to 15 days, depending on how fast you go and where you decide to stop. It might cost around 4.5 to 5 lakhs rupees, but that doesn’t include the money you’ll need for paperwork and permits.

Best time to travel

November to February is the winter season, and it’s the best time for road trips because the weather is good in all three countries. It’s not too hot or too cold, so it’s comfortable for driving and seeing the sights.

India to Thailand road trip: Permits and essential documents

International Driving Permit (IDP): To travel across borders, you need to get something called a permit. You can get it by paying a fee, and you also need to have a valid Indian Driving License.

Carnet fees: You have to have something called a carnet pass to leave and come back into Myanmar. You have to pay for it, and it acts as a guarantee for your vehicle. The carnet pass is good for one year.

Things to carry

Travel Documents: Make sure your passport will still be valid for at least six months after you arrive. Bring a few small photos of yourself with a white background. Get travel insurance and bring all your important papers. Also, book where you’ll stay beforehand and bring proof of your bookings.

Vehicle documents: Make sure you have your Indian Driving License with you. You’ll also need an international driving permit for traveling between countries. Make sure your vehicle has insurance that covers everything. Bring the original documents for your vehicle’s registration. And don’t forget the carnet documents you’ll need for crossing borders.

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